Increase in Pennsylvania motorists being stopped for drugged driving
Doctors and physicians frequently prescribe medication to individuals suffering from injuries and illnesses. These medications are designed to help overcome whatever health problems the individual is having, and allow them to resume their daily activities as soon as possible.
These medications may cause different reactions in different people, and there are frequently warnings on packages that mention potential side effects. Doctors may even advise against certain activities until the individual knows for sure how he or she will feel after taking the drug.
Because the medication has been prescribed by a doctor, most people do not think that the side effects of the drug could result in any sort of legal trouble. However, Pennsylvania is one of several states experiencing an increase in individuals arrested for driving under the influence of prescription drugs.
Recently, police officers in the state received additional training on some of the techniques they can use to spot drugged drivers. If an officer makes a traffic stop and suspects that a motorist is driving under the influence of drugs, a specially-trained officer called a “drug recognition expert” (DRE) will handle the investigation.
The DRE will check the motorist for signs of impairment. Because each drug can cause a different reaction, these tests may not necessarily allow the officer to determine if the motorist is impaired, or what drug the motorist may have taken.
After all of these tests have been administered, the DRE can force the motorist to submit to a blood test to check for the presence of drugs. This test is completely at the DRE’s discretion, and will almost always be required. Once the results from the blood test come back, police and prosecutors will have valuable evidence that can be used against the motorist.
If convicted of driving under the influence of drugs, individuals can expect to face significant penalties. This can include jail time, fines, as well as a loss of driving privileges. Additionally, any subsequent DUI or drugged-driving convictions will increase the potential punishments that can be handed down.
Those who are charged with driving under the influence need to take steps to protect their rights. Speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney to understand how to prepare an aggressive defense against these charges.
Police have certain procedures that they must follow when they make one of these stops, and if they fail to do so, some of the evidence may be inadmissible. It will be important to review the details of your traffic stop to determine if proper procedures were followed.