Delaware & Chester County First DUI Offense Lawyers
Have You Been Charged With Drunk Driving for the First Time?
Many of the people who come to Cherry DUI Law, for DUI defense representation have never been charged with a crime before. We understand that you are nervous. You are worried about the repercussions. You may not even know the full extent of the DUI penalties. Our lawyers will take the time to educate you about everything you need to know, from the DUI penalties involved to the options available. Count on us to stand by your side.
Many first offenders fall prey to common mistakes in DUI cases. By contacting us as soon as possible, we will make certain you do things right the first time. There are no do-overs.
First Offenders May Have More Options
The decades of experience we bring to these cases mean we thoroughly understand the defense strategies that can prove effective against first-offense DUIs. In Pennsylvania, first offenders may have more options than repeat offenders. One of the most valuable options available to first offenders is Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD).
Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition
ARD is a unique alternative to the traditional criminal court case. If you are accepted into ARD, you are essentially on probation. There is no incarceration, but you will be supervised. There will be conditions that you need to fulfill. If you fulfill them, your first-offense DUI charge will be dropped. You will not have the charge on your record.
Just because you are eligible for ARD does not mean you should accept that option. Our attorneys will carefully review your case. If we believe we can get the charges dismissed on some other basis, that is still a better outcome than ARD. We want to do what is best for you.
Free Consultation — Media Misdemeanor DUI Attorneys
To discuss your case with one of our experienced Philadelphia first DUI offense attorneys, call us at 610-565-0300 or 215-675-2400 or send us an e-mail.