Delaware & Chester County Repeat DUI Offense Attorneys
Have You Been Convicted of Drunk Driving Before?
In Pennsylvania, any DUI conviction from the last 10 years is considered a prior offense. If you have been convicted of drunk driving once, twice or more in that time period, the DUI penalties will increase dramatically. Even if your previous two drunk driving convictions occurred nearly a decade ago, if you are charged with DUI for the third time, you run the risk of a mandatory sentence, including a year behind bars.
At Cherry DUI Law, our attorneys know that certain options are off the table for repeat DUI offenders. There is no leniency on the part of criminal prosecutors. There is no opportunity for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD). There is no easy out. In many cases, we simply need to fight the charges using all our experience, knowledge and skill. We will fight for you if you have been accused of a repeat-offense DUI.
We Take Repeat-Offense DUI Cases to Trial
Our goal is simple: to get you the best possible outcome in your repeat DUI offense case so you can get back to normal day-to-day life as soon as we can, preferably without a criminal record and, if at all possible, your driving privileges intact.
With decades of experience on our side, we are skilled negotiators. Whenever possible, we work with criminal prosecutors. However, we know that this approach is not always effective. We will employ aggressive drunk driving defense strategies. We will attack evidence. We will take cases to trial in order to overcome repeat drunk driving offenses.
Free Consultation — Media Multiple DUI Arrest Lawyers
To discuss your case with one of our experienced Philadelphia repeat DUI offense lawyers, call us at 610-565-0300 or 215-675-2400 or send us an e-mail.