A DUI Conviction On Your Criminal Record

DUI Conviction On Your Criminal Record

A Criminal Charge Along With a DUI Conviction Makes Your Punishment Worse

If you are convicted of any criminal charge and you already have a DUI conviction on your criminal record, you will likely face an enhancement to the standard penalties for your crime.

If you have a prior record, you have “points” attributed to that record, which count against you at your sentencing. For instance, if you are facing one year in prison, you may end up getting two.

If you have a prior criminal record for any crime and you are pulled over and arrested for DUI, you face the same sorts of penalty enhancements.

You need the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your rights and your freedom.

At Cherry DUI Law, our lawyers have decades of experience in defending the rights of our clients against DUI charges as well as many other criminal charges. We look for all possible defenses in your case and search the prosecution’s evidence for weaknesses we may be able to use to get your charges reduced or your case dismissed. We have extensive trial experience and will fight for your rights in court.

DUI Defense Lawyer for Philadelphia

We sit down with you to discuss what happened. We give you an honest assessment of what you are up against and educate you on all of your options. We stand by you and work diligently to obtain the best possible outcome in your case. Our goal is to help you get back to your normal life as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Contact Our Firm

To schedule your free initial consultation with a DUI and criminal defense attorney in Philadelphia or Media, Pennsylvania, call us at 610-565-0300 or 215-675-2400 or contact us online.