It is one of the most common police procedures in America: the breathalyzer test. This test, which is conducted at thousands of DUI stops throughout the country each year, has become so commonplace that few people would think to question the validity of the results. Some people choose to decline to take the test, but […]
Tag: breath test refusal
Drivers See Increase In Number Of Pennsylvania Dui Checkpoints
This past Halloween, many Pennsylvania residents probably enjoyed the company of friends at parties or other holiday festivities. At the same time, residents know that there is a greater chance that drivers may get behind the wheel after having a drink or two. This is exactly why Pennsylvania counties opted to establish DUI checkpoints on […]
Assemblymans Refusal Shows Confusion Over Breath Test Refusal
Folks who are pulled over for drinking and driving often get confused on the significance of refusing to take a breath test. In Pennsylvania, the refusal of a breath test or a blood or urine test can come with additional penalties beyond a charge for DUI. Recently, the confusion over the refusal of a breath […]