Parties and heavy drinking are seen for many as a rite of passage as young students head-off to college each fall. Despite the efforts of school administrators, college students continue to test their limits with alcohol. Unfortunately, many do not realize they’ve crossed the threshold until after they get pulled over.
While it is difficult to gauge the exact number of college students drinking and driving, statistics estimate around 30 percent of college students are drinking and driving. Alcohol is not the only substance impairing college-aged drivers. According to a national survey on drug use, there may be millions of college-aged students who are also driving while impaired by some other substance.
Underage college students should know that Pennsylvania has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to drinking and driving. Even one drink could be too many for students under the age of 21. Underage drivers with blood alcohol contents over 0.02 percent could face DUI charges.
Consequences for being convicted of a DUI may include jail time, court fines and a suspension of driving privileges for a year. But the penalties don’t end there. A DUI remains on a person’s criminal record, clouding an otherwise bright future. Subsequent DUIs will face steeper penalties.
Our firm handles underage DUI and many other forms of DUI. If you are interested in learning more about our practice, please visit our Philadelphia drunk driving charges page.
Source:, “Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Other Drugs,” U.S. Department of Education